Internationalization in the time of Pandemic

Unlearning old habits to learn the new ways of collaboration

4 min readMar 25, 2021
Ice breaker during the workshop (own resource) / Workshop

Internationalization is a broad and complex concept that’s challenging even more during the pandemic. Many of us — change makers, project managers, or entrepreneurs — find it difficult to connect when the contact is limited to only our screens. Currently, to truly understand the driving force behind internationalization it is important to treat it as a collaboration habit that can evolve — the same, as we did during this pandemic. Especially in the Cultural and Creative Industries sector (CCI).

At the beginning of March, we had a participatory ARS BALTICA CREATIVE DIALOGUE (ABCD) workshop session aimed to create and develop the elements of scanning tools fully dedicated to the internationalization topic. The session took place within the project Creative Ports that intends to improve and encourage collaboration between the CCI actors within the Baltic Sea region and to further develop strategies and processes around internationalisation. The ABCD format was created by ARS BALTICA and already traveled to 9 Baltic Sea region countries offering space for open-minded cultural actors from all sides of the table to share, network, and augment the value of cultural work.

Ideation & Development of a scanning tool (own resource) / Workshop

We gathered a group of enthusiasts & experts (from all across Europe: Lithuania, Germany, Sweden & Finland), so we could together discuss what it takes to address this topic. We were strongly focusing on the key current needs, challenges & primary ideation towards finding a potential solution(s). Below, we are sharing our hypotheses, learnings &findings.

Key 8 Hypotheses, Learnings & Findings

Mapping the Needs

As a fundamental tool to help us to see and understand the bigger picture of the challenge that we, or people that we are working with, are facing. Being able to reflect, connect the dots and propose the new/changed strategies would be helpful.

Nothing about us, Without us

A fundamental value, which is collaboration and sharing the perspective, especially while working on the internationalization topic. After all, looking for the solution alone won’t bring us any further.

What was the most inspiring for you and why?
— Getting to know the point of view of people from other countries and various institutions on the internationalization of the CCI sector.

Agentize Your Surroundings

Important to involve others, spread the idea/concept with your environment to seek others who might get inspired and be a real input to your work.

Diversity is the value

We believe that especially in the Creative Industry, diversity is the element that brings value. Cultural and regional aspects of arts and design can add authenticity to your creation.

Long-lasting Relationship

Supporting and maintaining an already existing partnership that we are already in. Finding the way to cherish them, reflect on them and slightly enhance if needed.

Accessibility is the New Black

Being able to include different beneficiaries (partners/stakeholders) available for use of hybrid models of work in an online/offline world. Support the work on alignment.

Constant Update

As a mindset and culture to share with others their changes, progress, good practices, and failures. This might create real help for actual problems.

Keep the Momentum

Supporting the creative industry makers to maintain their energy and engagement to communicate the value of the projects to others. Being able to carry the passion helps to avoid burnout.

Future & Hopes

Pandemy changes the standard, well-known paths that we used to operate daily. Now, the world is learning to adjust to the new ways of collaboration, remote working & online meetings. The online world that we are currently stuck in, brings us new opportunities. Imagine — it would be almost impossible to bring us all together into one place. The fact that participants had been in their natural environment makes it comfortable & available.

We all crave to see more solutions or answers to the “new normal” world, as many call it on the internet. We believe that this is the right time to work on a system that wasn’t working well before. This is a perfect call for all makers, that work on the internalization aspect, to create a way that this system serves them. Not them — serving the not well-tailored system. A right designed internationalization pattern would enhance the opportunities for the creation of new companies, enterprises, or even startups. Imagine, well-connected regions that support creative people by matching them or supporting them.

Together with ARS BALTICA, we will continue working on the Scanning Tool for the next 2–3 months. If you are interested - don’t miss the opportunity to participate in the next ABCD Scanning Tools that will take place on 12–14 April and 10–11 May. Register here until 8 April, there is only a limited number of participant places available. You will gain hands-on tools that you can use at your own work or collaboration. We need your expertise and perspective since it’s all based on partnership. Also, you are more than welcome to leave your comment or join us in this discussion —

What does it take to create a well-tailored internationalization tool?

#internationalization #cooperation #arsbaltica #changepilots #creativeports #workshop #onlineworkshop #pandemic

Text: Change Pilots & ARS Baltica Team




Strategic design consultancy that offers a unique perspective as both designers & strategists. They make unknown known & help organizations design their growth.